This week- Where is the foggiest place on earth? Who was the first person to invent the car? What fruit did the wealthy people of the past purchase?
Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
www.nickandroy.comBrought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
This week- how much concrete is produced every year? How did some of the world’s currencies get their name? How much does 1 million dollars in $100 bills weigh? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
This week- In what country is it an insul
t to the chef if you ask for salt? where in the world can a pregnant woman pee in a policeman’s hat, on purpose. When were the craters on the moon created? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
Today at 5pm on the iHeart Radio app- In which country could get you jailtime if you forget your wife’s birthday? Where did the expression “to testify” come from? When was the first webcam invented? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy. www.nickandroy.com
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
This week- Are figs considered to be vegan? What is the fastest way to cool down a hot car? Does your Jeep have easter eggs? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
This week on the show- Nick & Roy introduce a new topic- construction and architecture. How many nails do you need to build a 1,200 sq. Ft. home? What land mammal has the most teeth? Why do you lose your hearing when you yawn? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
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Nick & Roy’s annual ‘best of’ and bloopers episode.
It the annual ‘best of’ and bloopers episode. Nick & Roy look back at some of the funniest moments from the past five years.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
Nick & Roy’s Totally Useless Christmas Show
Nick and Roy continue the tradition of bringing you a Totally Useless Christmas show. This year they find out how the holidays are celebrated around the world. Also, what Christmas song is dangerous to drive to? You may be surprised. How much will the gifts in the song “12 Days of Christmas” set you back? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy. Merry Christmas!
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
Today at 5pm on the iHeart radio app- if you created a sitzmark, what exactly happened? Who is credited at the father of the computer? Is it safe to hold your pee? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.
This week on the show, where did the expression “get the lead out” come from? Are tape cassettes and CDs still available in cars? Can a car that Leonardo da Vinci created in 1478 operate today? Listen, Laugh, and learn with Nick and Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto.