This week on the show- Is Ben Franklin inducted in the kite flyers hall of fame or the swimmer’s hall of fame? Where did the expression posh come from? Did England really ban Christmas in the United States? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick and Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto, and by Pete’s Pizza in St. Catharines and Niagara Falls.
This week- What famous musicians wrote or performed TV theme songs? Do most people prefer the lights on or off during lovemaking? Who holds the record for making over 800 tv commercials? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto, and by Pete’s Pizza in St. Catharines and Niagara Falls
This week- Which institution of higher education in the U.S., has the highest number of presidential alumni? Where did the blazer jacket come from? Why did Lady Godiva really ride on a horse in the nude? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto, and by Pete’s Pizza in St. Catharines and Niagara Falls.
This week on the show- What scientific mistakes became successful products we use every day? Who REALLY invented the light bulb? How many ATMs are there in the world? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
Brought to you in part by Tom’s Place in Kensington Market in Toronto, and by Pete’s Pizza in St. Catharines and Niagara Falls.
Celebrating 5 Years of Uselessness
Nick and Roy kick off their 5th anniversary of Totally Useless Information looking back at the past 5 years, plus new useless Science and Geography information.
Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick & Roy.
This week- Where did the expression “jay walking “come from? Can plants recognize their siblings and give them preferential treatment, Also, Do palm trees come from Florida? The answer will amaze you! Listen. Laugh, and learn with Nick and Roy.
Join us in September as we celebrate Totally Useless Information with Nick & Roy.
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Is Ben Franklin inducted in the kite flyers hall of fame or the swimmer’s hall of fame? Where did the expression posh come from? Did England really ban Christmas in the United States? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick and Roy.
Join us in September as we celebrate 5 years of Totally Useless Information with Nick & Roy -
This week on the show- What nation has the most sexually satisfied people? The results will surprise you! What is the most poisonous fish in the world? For how long can snails nap? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick and Roy.
Join us in September as we celebrate 5 years of Totally Useless Information with Nick & Roy!
This week on the show- Why is the U.S dollar called a “buck”? Why are there 52 cards in a pack of playing cards? If you are going to see a “man about a horse”, where are you going? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick and Roy.
Join us in September as we celebrate 5 years of Totally Useless Information with Nick & Roy!
This week- Why did the ancient Greeks feed their Olympic athletes cheesecake? Did Shakespeare create the “your momma” jokes? Why do we ouch when we get hurt? Listen, laugh, and learn with Nick and Roy.